高血圧患者の術中平均血圧は高く保つべきか?:Anesth Analg. 2022 Aug 1;135(2):329-340. 

Intraoperative Hypotension and Myocardial Injury After Noncardiac Surgery in Adults With or Without Chronic Hypertension: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis

Barak Cohen, et al.

Anesth Analg. 2022 Aug 1;135(2):329-340. 










4576件の対象手術のうち、2066件が正常血圧群に割り付けられ、ベースラインの平均(標準偏差[SD])MAPは100(7)mmHgであり、2510件が高血圧群に割り付けられ、ベースラインの平均MAPは122(10)mmHgであった。複合転帰の全発生率は正常血圧群で5.6%、高血圧群で6.0%であった(P = 0.55)。術中低血圧と複合転帰との関係は、多変量混合効果ロジスティック回帰モデルにおいてベースラインMAPに依存しないことが判明した。さらに、いずれのベースラインMAP群においても統計的変化点は認められなかった。




  1. Cerebral Autoregulation and Stroke: The Pathophysiological Basis for Therapy

    • Overview: This paper likely discusses the mechanisms through which the brain maintains constant blood flow despite changes in systemic blood pressure, known as cerebral autoregulation. It would explore how disturbances in this process can lead to stroke and other cerebral pathologies and discuss therapeutic strategies to manage or mitigate these risks.
    • Relevance: Understanding cerebral autoregulation is crucial for managing patients with chronic hypertension, as these individuals may have altered autoregulatory mechanisms, affecting their stroke risk and influencing treatment approaches.
  2. Intraoperative Blood Pressure Variability and Postoperative Outcomes in Major Noncardiac Surgery

    • Overview: This research examines how fluctuations in blood pressure during surgery can affect outcomes such as postoperative morbidity and mortality. It would analyze data from patients undergoing major noncardiac surgeries to identify correlations between blood pressure variability and adverse postoperative events.
    • Relevance: The findings from this study are important for anesthesiologists and surgeons, as they highlight the need for careful monitoring and management of intraoperative blood pressure to improve patient outcomes.
  3. The Impact of Chronic Hypertension on Cardiac Surgery Outcomes

    • Overview: This paper examines how pre-existing chronic hypertension affects the results of cardiac surgery, possibly focusing on complications, recovery time, and long-term outcomes for patients with hypertension compared to those with normal blood pressure.
    • Relevance: For healthcare providers involved in cardiac care, understanding how chronic hypertension influences surgery outcomes is key to preoperative planning, patient counseling, and postoperative management, ensuring that risks are minimized and patient care is optimized.

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