心房細動 心臓手術後のNLRと術後合併症の検討:Ann Transl Med. 2019 Dec;7(23):778. The use of neutrophil lymphocyte ratio to predict complications post cardiac surgery Rebecca C Weedle, et al. Ann Transl... 2023.08.28 心房細動免疫不整脈生理学
輸血 ⭐︎輸血製剤の豆知識 血液製剤の使用において、その適正使用はよく言及されるところである。今回は、それに関わるデータや推奨を述べていく。 輸血とお金について 各種製剤の値段 医療費の高騰を抑える必要あり 濃厚赤血球(MAP)2単位 18,054円 新鮮凍結血漿(... 2023.08.27 輸血凝固生理学
Pharmacological Preconditioning 小児心臓におけるSev vs Propofol vs Midazolame:Br J Anaesth 2005; 94(6): 805-9 Effect of three different anaesthetic agents on the postoperative production of cardiac troponin T in paediatric cardiac... 2023.08.23 Pharmacological Preconditioning生理学
Ischemic conditioning CABGにおけるremote ischaemic preconditioningの有用性:Lancet, The, 2013-08-17, Volume 382, Issue 9892, Pages 597-604 Cardioprotective and prognostic effects of remote ischaemic preconditioning in patients undergoing coronary artery bypas... 2023.08.14 Ischemic conditioning生理学
Pharmacological Preconditioning Sevのpreconditioningは間葉系幹細胞(HIF-α、VEGF)を増加させる:Stem Cell Research and Therapy (2021) 12:584 Sevoflurane preconditioning promotes mesenchymal stem cells to relieve myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury via TRPC6-... 2023.08.10 Pharmacological Preconditioning吸入麻酔薬生理学
Pharmacological Preconditioning 虚血コンディショニング作用をプロポフォールは打ち消す: Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2012 Jan;56(1):30-8. Protection by remote ischemic preconditioning during coronary artery bypass graft surgery with isoflurane but not propof... 2023.08.08 Pharmacological PreconditioningIschemic conditioning生理学
Pharmacological Preconditioning DEXにもconditioning効果あり:British Journal of Anaesthesia, 127 (2): 215-223 (2021) Perioperative dexmedetomidine and 5-year survival in patients undergoing cardiac surgery Ke Peng, et al. British Journal... 2023.08.04 Pharmacological Preconditioning生理学
Ischemic conditioning Post conditioningはpreと同等の効果:Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 285: H579-H588, 2003. Inhibition of myocardial injury by ischemic postconditioning during reperfusion: comparison with ischemic preconditionin... 2023.08.03 Ischemic conditioning
Pharmacological Preconditioning 吸入麻酔薬による術後ICU滞在時間・TnIの低下:Anesthesiology 2004; 101:9-20 Choice of Primary Anesthetic Regimen Can Influence Intensive Care Unit Length of Stay after Coronary Surgery with Cardio... 2023.08.02 Pharmacological Preconditioning生理学
Pharmacological Preconditioning ✳︎Sev+PropはNG、オピオイドは他の薬によらずconditioning作用あり:Anesthesiology2012; 116:648-57 Choice of Anesthetic Combination Determines Ca?+ Leak after Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in the Working Rat Heart Michael... 2023.08.01 Pharmacological Preconditioning生理学